Toddler Time: four penguins, a sketchy fountain, and one unruly toddler = literally 3 hours of peace and quiet for you

Visiting Vienna for a short amount of time and don’t really have the time or patience to schlep yourself and your family to one of the city’s many public pools, but still need something to occupy the toddler in this insane heat? 

Do I have the answer to all your problems!

Head to Stadtpark, one of Vienna’s most famous public parks, for an afternoon of fun! The park is home to the famous golden statue of the Waltz King, Johann Strauss, and is also the location of the Kursalon, where you can attend a concert featuring Strauss and Mozart’s biggest hits every evening. 

The park also has a playground for the little ones, a skate park, and a Michelin starred restaurant. 

But you don’t need to trek far to occupy your wee ones. Simply head to this little penguin fountain, which we discovered a little while ago, and release your child into hours of fun!

The pool, called a Vogeltränke which is basically a little water break for birds (unless there are loud toddlers nearby) looks a little cesspool-y but I promise it’s clean (or just in case, have your kid wear crocs or something), and my daughter spent approximately two hours walking from one penguin to the next, kissing each one, stomping around in the water/mud, and then repeating the process, over and over and over and over again. 

So grab yourself a coffee from the coffee cart nearby (or a nice alcoholic beverage from one of the many nearby supermarkets) and settle down in a nice dry spot next to the penguin pool, and enjoy the sun!

The pool is located literally right by the Johann Strauss statue (see picture below) so you can’t miss it!

Have fun and until next time! 


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