High on a hill, was a lonely goatherd, Lay-eee-odelaaayeeee

Salzburg Marionettetheater

Just a post loving on the famous Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, “The Sound of Music!” If you’re traveling to Salzburg, I highly recommend visiting the famous Marionette theatre, to see a gorgeous production with the marionettes! And yes, during the rendition of “The Lonely Goatherd,” the marionettes ARE holding marionettes!!! Very meta! 

Here is a little blurb directly from the website about their beautiful theatre and productions: What makes the Salzburg Marionette Theatre different from other theatres? – On the stage, the marionettes are the protagonists, and the people are behind – or rather, above it all. Because, while down on the stage these finely-crafted marionettes perform plays, fairy-tales, musicals and operas, it’s the skilled puppeteers two metres above them who guide all their movements with a special technique, each on 12 strings. The puppeteers, who have mastered this unique method, bring the marionettes to miraculous life.

This special performance technique, has been declared a cultural asset worthy of preservation, as the “most highly developed form of puppet and figure theatre”, earning the Salzburg Marionette Theatre a place in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

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